The Logos conjugator combines different languages, verb tenses, examples with moods, and persons. It is very simple to use. You have two options to search, clicking in the search text box and clicking in any of the flags. 1. You just have to type the verb in the text box and press search button. You will have to write the whole word in order to have a good result and not part of the word. If you introduce a not valid verb, the search won't produce a result, but you can go to the Logos Conjugator site and select the relative option. Also if the word you inserted has more than one language you will see the options displayed. 2. If you don't know exactly the verb you are looking for, you can click in any of the flags to search for the initial of the verb in the desired language. There are 36 different flags for each different language. After clicking in a flag, you have to click in any letter and the program will show all verbs: regular, irregular, semi-regular, defective, impersonal, and pronominal (the verbs will appear in different color for each kind). You can click in the desired verb and the program will show examples, moods, and persons in: simple present, present continuous, simple past, present perfect, past continuous, present perfect continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous. You will also see the buttons to go online to: Dictionary, Library, Quotes, Toolbar, and Arcoiris TV.
It is available for Windows and Macintosh.